Before & after school services
Scoil Clochair Mhuire, has a comprehensive before & after school service. The service is run by the the Carrigtwohill Family Resource Centre & Sherpa Kids and is open to all children from the school and their siblings. Covid guidelines permitting, Scoil Chlochair Mhuire provides an engaging and varied After School Program run by staff. It includes Art & Craft, Lego, Basketball, Soccer, Fitness and Choir.
Carrigtwohill Family Resource Centre is in close proximity to the school. They provide Breakfast Club cover from 7.30am to 8.30am – children will receive a breakfast and drop off to school. For further details contact: administrator@carrigtwohillfrc.ie or call 021- 4533000
Sherpa Kids
Scoil Chlochair Mhuire has teamed up with Sherpa Kids Ireland to provide, After School Care from 1:30pm to 6pm Monday - Friday. We also provide Holiday Care during school holidays from 9am – 5pm.
Our After-School programme delivers an innovative approach to school age childcare on site in Scoil Chlochair Mhuire. This means that your child is with their peers and in familiar surroundings, giving you the peace of mind that comes with having no pick-up or drop off to worry about during your working day. Your child is our Sherpa Kid and our care for them is guided by two main principles which are at the core of everything we do: their safety & their well-being.
At Sherpa Kids we understand the total mismatch between the number of holidays your child gets compared to the amount you have as a working parent. So, to support parents, we offer extended holiday time care. National childcare scheme places available also.
For more information, please email scmc@sherpakids.ie or call 0860132154
Bookings are available via the Sherpa Kids booking engine
For queries, please contact Ena 0860132154 or email at scmc@sherpakids.ie
Sherpa Kids & the Family Resource Centre are part of the National Childcare Scheme. Parents can get up to €3.75 per hour back on their childcare, depending on their circumstances. For more information, go to https://ncs.gov.ie

As part of Scoil Chlochair Mhuire’s After School Program run by staff, Fit4Life gives children the opportunity to develop their fundamental movement skills, communication skills and teamwork in a fun, enthusiastic and supportive environment. Take a look at some pictures from this year!